
Stella in the garden I promised to plant soon.

Stella in the garden I promised to plant soon.

March. What a month.  I overcommitted. By a lot.  I flattened and prepped ten large maple slabs for someone else's bar project.  Built my biggest, oddest table to date.  Covered random objects with salvaged plaster lath. Built some last minute doors. Drank a whole lot of coffee and spent a whole lot of late nights in the shop. I drew and bid a bunch of work for the next few months too. 

All that time in the shop, away from my kids, away from the things I like to do to unwind.  I think I made a little extra money, but I don't really know what it's worth.  I mean, I know what money's worth, but it's money.  You can make more of it.  But I can't make time.  

Hoping to find a little more balance in the coming weeks.  I think there's always a fear that if I don't pounce on work it'll disappear.  But I also feel the need to pounce on this stage of my kid's lives.  They're growing really fast.  

We're so grateful for lots of work and support but I'm trying to learn how to balance this crazy life.  I'm thankful for my patient clients and my understanding wife and kids.  I'll probably start adding a week or two to my lead time.  I owe a cute nine year old girl a daddy daughter date and owe her mother several.  I owe the boys some time in the garden and maybe a camp out.  And I owe myself some sleep.  

There is that twenty foot bar in the work order though......